Good News for California Veterans
Veterans exemplify the best values of our country, and have earned the respect and gratitude of a grateful nation.
To that end, I wanted to make you aware of two programs that may be of interest to you or the honorably discharged veterans in your life.
Online Exchange
Honorably discharged veterans can now sign up for tax-free, online shopping on select clothing, electronics, food and more at the online Exchange. Since 1895, the Exchange's mission has been to support the men and women of the armed forces during military operations, humanitarian missions and other endeavors around the world.
In the past, only active-duty troops, members of the National Guard, reservists and their dependents, and military retirees and their dependents could use this money saving and convenient benefit.
To sign up, visit VetVerify.
Veteran Designation on California Driver License or California ID Card.
California’s veteran designation is available to all honorably discharged military service members for their California Driver License or California Identification Card.
In addition to displaying the honor they have earned, with this designation, veterans can easily prove their eligibility to businesses offering discounts without having to carry papers.
Applying for the veteran driver license and ID is easy:
- Locate your military discharge certificate (DD214). If you need help obtaining your military records, then contact your local County Veteran Service Officer (CVSO) or go to Veterans' Service Records.
- Stop by your local CVSO with your DD214 for verification. While there, learn about the many improved and expanded benefits and services available to veterans:
- Assistance with the transition to civilian life;
- Education;
- Healthcare;
- Housing; and
- California specific veterans benefits.
- Go to DMV, or call the DMV at 1-800-777-0133, to make an appointment. Bring your verified application form, and the small $5 application fee.
Find your Local CVSO offices on the CalVet website.
Additional Resources
Information about additional resources are available in the form of the California Veterans resource book, available from CalVet.