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Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry Bill to Empower Survivors of Sexual Assault Against Predators and Their Employers Passes the Assembly Floor

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Assembly Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) announced today that Assembly Bill 2587 passed the Assembly Floor with bipartisan support.

AB 2587 builds upon California statutes, which recognize it can take years for many survivors to come forward due to trauma, stigma, and fear of backlash, shame, self-blame, or other complex factors. With AB 2587, California ensures survivors of sexual assault can continue to come forward while maintaining the integrity of the judicial process. Specifically, AB 2587 will clarify that both a perpetrator of a sexual assault and an entity who covered up or willfully ignored the assault are held accountable for the harm inflicted on survivors.

“Sexual assault can happen to any of us, and unfortunately, such crimes are too often the product of a toxic workplace environment,” said Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), Vice Chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus. “AB 2587 preserves the right of survivors of sexual violence to take action against their attacker.  And an employer who ignores the potential for violence or covers up an attack cannot be allowed to avoid responsibility.  We must act to protect our family members, our neighbors, our friends, and our colleagues from harm by exposing those who've done them harm because their courageous act will protect others.”

It is not uncommon for survivors of sexual assault to take weeks, months, or years after an assault has occurred before being able to come forward to disclose their experience. AB 2587 provides a two-year window for filing any sexual assault claim, regardless of when the assault occurred, for damages suffered as the result of an attack.

The #MeToo movement gave many assault and harassment survivors the opportunity to bravely share their stories to stop their attackers from committing further violence and to empower others to see they are supported in coming forward.

At the same time, it unveiled the reality that, too often, a toxic and predatory culture can exist in the workplace.  Holding perpetrators to account stops them and acts as a deterrent to those who may prey on others.  Sending a signal to employers who ignore, promote, or cover up an attack will make our daily lives safer across all sectors of employment and society.

What Supporters are saying about AB 2587:

“For many rape survivors, justice is a distant dream. When they report this heinous crime, survivors often encounter victim-blaming, shaming, and retaliation. Many survivors wait years to find the courage to speak up, only to find that the statute of limitations has closed the door on them,” said Dr. Caroline Heldman, Founder of Stand with Survivors. “I co-founded Stand With Survivors as a network of survivor activists seeking justice for sexual violence. I strongly support Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry's AB 2587.”

“For decades, the music industry has condoned and perpetuated a culture of sexual abuse against women and underage girls. A perverse and powerful cabal has profited while engaging in and/or covering up harmful sexual behavior,” stated Samantha Maloney, Rock drummer and former top-producing A&R executive at Warner. “As a musician, I teamed up with therapist Kristina Sarhadi, and co-founded a nonprofit called The Punk Rock Therapist to provide free therapy to survivors of sexual assault within the music industry, which we have both been victims of. We fully support Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry’s AB 2587 to empower survivors of sexual assault to expose and stop perpetrators from harming others.”

“For too long, survivors of sexual assault, like me, face statutes of limitations that protect abusers and the institutions that shield them,” said Melissa Schuman, Singer and Actor. “AB 2587 affirms the rights of survivors who deserve to tell their stories on their own terms, unbound by arbitrary deadlines set by those who have never borne our burdens.  Time doesn't heal all wounds, but it can provide justice.”

“No one ever wants to be considered a victim. No one person aspires to face the daily arsenal of fear, sadness, and depression that come with being groomed, sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, and raped. I know this firsthand as I am a former music publishing executive in the music industry and a survivor of sexual abuse within it,” said Sara Lewis, former music industry executive and survivor advocate. “Mine is not an isolated incident. It’s time for a reckoning in the music industry. Women everywhere deserve to pursue their dreams without the fear of being assaulted. AB 2587 allows for just that.”  

“AB 2587 is a vital piece of legislation for the survivor community in California. It will clarify the intention of AB 2777 and ensure that victims of sexual assault can hold both an individual perpetrator and responsible entities accountable for the harm they have caused,” said Ashley Grace, former model and actor. “It will also provide a victim the necessary time needed to pursue justice, all in line with the current scientific findings regarding the impact and long-term effect of trauma. As a victim of sexual assault who recently sought justice for myself, I know just how life-changing the passage of AB 2587 will be.”

“The historical and deafening silence of the music industry on the topic of sexual abuse is compounded by an archaic statute of limitations in California. Abuse in our industry has been covered up for years,” said Nomi Abadi, pianist, singer, composer, and The Female Composer Safety League President. “Survivors need years to face their pain.  AB 2587 will align California law with the science of trauma.”

“As a survivor of sexual assault, being able to speak out and hold my perpetrator accountable is not just about seeking justice for what happened to me. It is about reclaiming my power and using my voice to make sure the same predator couldn’t continue hurting more women,” said Shira Scott Astrof, actress, writer, advocate, and founder of the non-profit rescue, A.R.M. “Passing AB 2587 serves as a deterrent by sending a strong message that sexual assault will not be tolerated and that those who commit such heinous acts will face the consequences for their actions.”

AB 2587 now heads to the Senate.


Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry represents the 4th Assembly District, which includes all of Lake, Colusa, Napa, and Yolo Counties and part of Sonoma County.