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AB 2901 - Pregnancy Leave for Educators Act

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I am proud to be the Vice Chair of the Legislative Women's Caucus and the author of AB 2901- the Pregnancy Leave for Educators Act. As a mother and grandmother, I understand the importance of supporting educators who experience pregnancy and related health issues.

Under the current leave system for education workers, those who go through pregnancy and related health issues are forced to use their sick leave and may even have to pay for their own substitute. Sick leave is compensation.  And, people without sick leave are forced to go to work sick.  This is not just a challenge, it's an injustice. This situation can create financial difficulties and result in nearly $100,000 less in retirement.

AB 2901 aims to create a more equitable environment for our education workforce, predominately made up of women. This legislation will provide educators with the necessary time off to take care of themselves and their families without compromising their financial security or the health of their families and school communities.

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Thank you for your interest in AB 2901- The Pregnancy Leave for Educators

  1. For more information, you can read my AB 2901 Fact Sheet and List of Supporters.
  2. E-mail a support letter to Laura Beltran.

Sign-up to support AB 2901
