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Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s Wildfire Recovery Bill Package Signed by the Governor

SACRAMENTO, CA – AB 1772, AB 2380, and AB 2518, authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), were signed by Governor Brown today.  In October 2017, California experienced the most devastating wildfire in state history. 44 Californian lives were claimed, and more than 14,700 homes and 728 businesses were damaged or destroyed, totaling over $12 billion worth of damage.  Wildfires of this magnitude pollute the air and wipe out gains we make reducing California’s carbon footprint. These three bills came about in the aftermath of those devastating fires that destroyed so much of our state and affected many families and communities in Assembly District 4.

“Four of my counties – Lake, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma – were on fire last October. For many, it wasn’t the first time,” said Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry. “It breaks my heart to think about the magnitude of loss families across California are experiencing due to fires. These bills will ensure that California is better prepared to prevent future wildfires, combat them when they do occur, and recover in the aftermath.”

Aguiar-Curry bill on nautical vessel impoundments signed by governor

SACRAMENTO – AB 2175, authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), was signed into law by Gov. Brown last week.

AB 2175 will give peace officers and harbor patrol officers the authority to take control of a vessel from public property under several circumstances: when they have probable cause to believe it was used in, or as the means of, committing a crime; when officers believe that the vessel is itself evidence; or when a vessel contains evidence which cannot easily be removed.

Aguiar-Curry bill to punish deadbeat health plans signed by governor

SACRAMENTO – AB 2674, by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), was signed into law on Friday by Gov. Jerry Brown.

The new law will require the Department of Managed Health Care, or DMHC, to annually review complaints filed by providers who believe a health care service plan is engaging in an “unfair payment pattern.”

Aguiar-Curry bill to require statewide health care district oversight/transparency signed by governor

SACRAMENTO – More information about California's health care districts will soon be one mouse-click away under AB 2019, authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) and signed into law yesterday by Gov. Jerry Brown.

The bill strengthens legislation last year that first established basic website postings and other requirements for these special districts that had sometimes fallen under the radar.

Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry Bill to Punish Deadbeat Health Plans Signed by Governor

AB 2674, by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) was signed into law today by Governor Jerry Brown. The new law will require the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) to annually review complaints filed by providers who believe a health care service plan is engaging in an “unfair payment pattern.”

Aguiar-Curry Bill Allocates Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Expand Child Care for infants, toddlers

SACRAMENTO – AB 2292, authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D – Winters), which expanded our state’s capacity for child care by increasing the reimbursement rates for infant and toddler care, has been fully funded by the budget.

The bill created an inclusive grant program to help pay for new and renovated child care facilities, and establishing a fund to recruit a new generation of educators.

The legislation was a California Legislative Women’s Caucus priority for the year, and the only state budget request the caucus was backing.

Aguiar-Curry’s resolution urging Congress to take ‘big nuke button’ away from Trump passes Legislature

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Joint Resolution 30, authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), was approved by the State Senate this past week.

The resolution urges Congress to reassert its role in approving acts of war in a nuclear first-strike, by passing H.R. 669, 24-8.

H.R. 669, authored by California Representative Ted Lieu (D-Los Angeles County), would prohibit the president from unilaterally authorizing the deployment of nuclear weapons in an offensive attack absent express authorization from Congress.