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Farmer Equity Act recognizes racial discrimination, enables state to identify barriers & provide much-needed support to farmers

Sacramento, California – Earlier today, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that would require California officials to focus on and address the challenges facing farmers of color in the state by making access to  state and federal resources more equitable. This comes at a critical moment as the current generation of farmers is retiring and new farmers are increasingly represented by people of color, including immigrants and refugees.

“While historic discrimination won’t be solved overnight, the Farmer Equity Act opens the door requiring that  state officials identify and address the ways farmers of color, including black farmers, have largely been ignored,” said Dr. Gail Myers, PhD, co-founder of Oakland-based Farms to Grow, and a leading member of the California Farmer Justice Collaborative.

The Farmer Equity Act, AB 1348, authored by Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters), directs the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to better provide resources, outreach, technical assistance, and decision-making power to “socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers,” so called because they have been subjected to historic racial discrimination.

Read more here.

Governor signs funding bill for Napa farmworker housing

Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s AB 317, providing Napa County with permanent, annual funding to support the three farmworker housing centers totaling 180 beds.

Beginning in the next budget cycle, the Napa County Housing Authority will receive $250,000 in matching dollars each year. The bill had been promoted as private-public model for farmworker housing developed by Napa County.

Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s Bill to Lock in Permanent State Funding for Napa Farmworker Housing Centers Permanently Signed into Law

Sacramento, CA – Today, Governor Brown signed Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s (D-Winters) AB 317, a top priority bill for Napa County and the surrounding agricultural region, into law. This legislation provides Napa County with permanent, annual funding to support the three farmworker housing centers in the county. Beginning in the next budget cycle, the Napa County Housing Authority will receive $250,000 in matching-dollars each year. The action shows that the Governor and Legislature support the unique private-public model for farmworker housing developed by Napa County.

Upon hearing the good news, Aguiar-Curry exclaimed, “I am absolutely thrilled that Governor Brown has signed AB 317 into law! It is so important that we support this innovative housing program. Our agricultural workers are the heart of our farm community in the Napa region, and investing in this innovative, safe and healthy program is good for all of California.”

Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry’s Payday Lending Transparency and Consumer Protection bill is Signed by the Governor

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s (D – Winters) bill, AB 1636, was signed into law by Governor Brown last week. This critical consumer protection measure will increase accountability of “Payday Lenders” in California through strengthening the tools Department of Business Oversight (DBO) uses to oversee, regulate, and review lenders’ reports.

Governor signs Aguiar-Curry protestion bill

Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s bill, AB 1636, was signed into law by Governor Brown last week.

The consumer protection measure will increase accountability of “Payday Lenders” in California through strengthening the tools Department of Business Oversight (DBO) uses to oversee, regulate, and review lenders’ reports.

Governor signs Aguiar-Curry’s tax liability bill

SACRAMENTO — On Monday, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill by Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, D-Winters, to extend the state of California’s authority to operate the “Offer in Compromise” program. In the event a business owner can’t afford to pay an unanticipated tax liability, this program allows the taxpayer to pay the maximum amount feasible — a compromised offer — and continue to stay in business.

$330 Million Dollar Bill for Rural Broadband Negotiated by Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry Heads to Governor’s Desk

SACRAMENTO, CA – AB 1665, Joint-Authored by several bipartisan Assemblymembers, including Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D – Winters), Eduardo Garcia (D – Coachella), and Brian Dahle (R – Bieber), was approved on the Senate Floor Wednesday before heading back to the Assembly for concurrence on Friday. It passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in both houses. This bill is the result of the successful negotiation of a $330 million bill package to expand broadband access and digital literacy in communities deprived of a reliable internet connection.

Several past efforts to increase funding to close the connectivity gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots,” known as the “Digital Divide,” were intensely opposed by the largest telecommunications and cable companies. After a three-year stalemate, this bill represents a cooperative effort between legislators of both houses and both parties, consumer advocates, and representatives from the telecommunications and cable industries to invest in broadband access and rural development.  

Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry delivers bill for Napa’s Farmworker housing to the Governor

Sacramento, CA – Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) passed AB 317 out of the Assembly, completing its journey through the legislative process. The bill, which secures a long-term funding solution for Napa County’s farmworker housing passed off the Senate and Assembly floors this week with bipartisan support.

“These centers are an invaluable asset to our farmworkers and our local economy,” said Aguiar-Curry after the bill’s passage. “This brings us one step closer to ensuring Napa County can keep its one-of-a-kind housing program running. AB 317 means safe, reliable, and affordable housing for our region’s farmworkers.”

Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry Issues Statement on Trump Rescission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

DAVIS, CA – Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) reacted today to the Trump Administration’s action to rescind the Obama Administration’s Executive Order establishing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:

“Today, President Trump continued his Administration’s aggressive attack on immigrants when he turned his back on 800,000 undocumented young people by terminating DACA,” said Aguiar-Curry.  “Rounding up law-abiding children will not make anyone safer.  DREAMers, who were brought to this country as young children, have done nothing to deserve the President’s attacks.  In most cases, these children have struggled to succeed, as Americans, in school, work, and in their communities.”

Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry Moves District Office to Davis

DAVIS, CA – Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) announced today that she has relocated the Yolo County District Office to Davis. The new office is housed in the Yolo County Office building, within walking distance of Davis City Hall, the University of California, Davis, Congressman Garamendi’s office, and downtown businesses.

The Assemblymember hopes that by moving to Davis, she can foster stronger relationships with the UC Davis community. Aguiar-Curry believes that the state legislature needs to harness the resources and experts of the university to reach better policy decisions.